Service-learning as an approach to develop emotional skills in pre-service teacher training

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Laura Sánchez Sánchez Calleja
Remedios Benítez Gavira
Victoria Quesada Serra
Mayka García García


INTRODUCTION. This paper presents the results of a research project funded by the Universidad de Cádiz, which explores the development of emotional skills through service-learning in preservice teacher education. Firstly, we introduce the theoretical framework that underpins the research. The literature review focuses on the relationship among emotional skills and servicelearning as a scarcely evidenced aspect in empirical research. METHOD. The students participating in a fourth-year subject of the Early-childhood undergraduate programme completed a survey with the aim to analyze the extent to which they implemented and developed emotional skills through a service-learning project. The survey used was based on Bisquerra’s (2010) pentagonal model. RESULTS. They implemented, to a greater or lesser extent, all the items related with the five emotional skills. In fact, it is reflected in the means obtained, which are relatively high and homogeneous, obtaining an average in each item between 7.12 and 8.83 points in a one to ten rating scale. Of all the items, those related with social competence are the ones that attained the highest scores. DISCUSSION. Emotional skills are considered essential in pre-service teacher training programmes. To develop such skills, service-learning constitutes a promising and valid approach. In particular, it favours the awareness of the need to participate in the construction of a more humane and just society, through the awareness that involves getting in touch with the other.


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Sánchez Calleja, L. S., Benítez Gavira, R., Quesada Serra, V., & García García, M. (2019). Service-learning as an approach to develop emotional skills in pre-service teacher training. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 71(3), 185–203.



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