New perspectives on teacher preparation in digital competencies
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INTRODUCTION. Changes in the Information and Knowledge Society also involve changes in teacher preparation. Teacher digital training is one of the most important challenges in education in the 21st century. In this context, it is a must to reflect upon active and participatory approaches that lead to an adequate implementation of technology in the classroom. New technologybased teaching and learning models have emerged, focusing on several points: How these tools adapt to educational contexts; which ethical perspectives are used to digitally train future teachers; or how these requirements are tackled in the classroom. METHOD. Different lines of analysis are presented related to technology-based teaching and learning, such as Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge; approaches to learning communities using Small Private Online Courses and the Technology Acceptance Model; gender digital gap through analysis of robotics use in STEM classes; or specific experiences related to the use of Learning and Knowledge Technologies and the need for training in digital competencies. RESULTS. Studies related to teachers’ digital competencies and how they are reflected in instructional methods are identified, as means to the development and adaptation of education to the current society’s new requirements for digital skills. The need for new educational proposals in classrooms that approach the reality of a world mediated by technology is envisioned. DISCUSSION. An adequate use of technology in the classroom is proposed, supported by the variety of articles in this volume with diverse recommendations on the topic.
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