Questions, appeals and complaints

Any person can ask their doubts and queries by e-mail ( or by phone (please, see contact details). All questions are responded by an editor or editorial office’s staff.

If authors disagree with the rejection editorial decision about their manuscript, they should send only one appeal to the draft board by e-mail ( The subject should be “Appeal tracking-number”, and the body must state and address the cause of disagreement (in general, demonstration of an error or bias during the editorial process). Journal’s boards will handle the appeal, and the editor in chief will made a final decision. If the appeal is successful, an editor from the draft board will contact authors with instructions on how to proceed.

Complaints about the editorial processes or about publication ethics of the journal Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra should be sent to the editor-in chief by e-mail ( The subject should be “Complaint tracking-number” and the body must clearly outline the complainant's concerns. The editor in chief will handle the complaint and respond following the COPE guidelines ( If the Editor is the subject of the complaint, journal’s boards will handle it and make a final decision.