Rapidly progressive dementia as the initial presentation of human immunodeficiency virus infection
Human immunodeficiency virus, HIV, HIV dementiaAbstract
Dementia associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is currently a rare cause of rapidly progressive dementia. Its appearance is not only limited to the late phases of the disease, but can sometimes be the presenting symptom.
We present the case of a patient who debuted with anxious-depressive symptoms and rapid cognitive deterioration with early repercussions on his daily functionality. HIV was detected in the study, with a higher viral load in cerebrospinal fluid than in plasma. Despite a torpid course at the beginning, antiretroviral therapy brought about a progressive improvement in the cognitive sphere, consistent with the decrease in the viral load.
Although rare, HIV continues to be a cause of dementia that primary care and hospital care professionals should not forget. The relevance of its early diagnosis lies in its potentially reversible nature.
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