Assessment of pain in patients with rheumatic disease under biological therapy treatment




Rheumatic diseases, Pain, Biological therapies, Analgesics


Background. To assess pain in patients with rheumatic disease under biological therapy treatment.

Methods. Observational retrospective study of patients with rheumatic disease under biological therapy treatment who visited the health care center as outpatients in February/August 2020. We collected demographic (sex and age), clinical (diagnosis, pain presence, intensity, and location), and pharmacological (biolo­gical therapy, concomitant treatment with traditional DMARDs, and analgesic treatment) variables from the electronic medical records and Farmatools Dominion®.

Results. We included 138 patients; mean age was 56 years and 71% were female. The most frequent diagnosis (47%) was ankylosing spondylitis. Anti-TNF-α was the most prescribed biological drug (64%); 60.1% of study patients received traditional drugs, particularly methotrexate and leflunomide (51.8 and 28.9%, respectively). Pain was reported in 81% of the cases, particularly in hands (73.2%) and knees (69.6%); mean pain intensity was 6.5 (VAS). Although 83.3% of the patients had been prescribed analgesics, pain persisted in 84.8% of the cases (VAS >4), being severe or very severe in 67.9%. Over half of the patients (52.2%) used more than one analgesic. The most frequently prescribed medications were non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (60%), paracetamol (52.2%), and opioids (56.5%). NSAIDs controlled pain (14.5%) better than opioids (8.3%); there was no post-treatment improvement of pain in 29.6% of the patients. The number of prescribed drugs increased with pain intensity (rho = 0.264; p = 0.006).

Conclusion.: Almost 70% of study patients had uncontrolled severe rheumatic-related pain. This implies a challenge for esta­blishing effective treatments for this type of pain.


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How to Cite

Monforte Gasque, M. P., Lázaro Gallardo, E. M., Lázaro Castellano, A. M., Querol Hernández, A. C., Maroto García, E. ., & Borrás Martí, F. (2022). Assessment of pain in patients with rheumatic disease under biological therapy treatment. Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, 45(3), e1020.



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