Lipidic profile: evolution, tendency and tracking from infancy to adulthood. Pecna Study


  • F. Repáraz
  • R. Elcarte
  • J. Iñigo
  • L. Barriuso
  • I. Villa



Colesterol. Infancia. Seguimiento. Tendencia. Prevalencia


Cardiovascular diseases start during infancy, although the clinical manifestations show themselves during adulthood. Since the year 1987 a (PECNA) study has been underway in Navarra to analyse the epidemiology of the cardiovascular risk factors of the infant-juvenile population. This paper presents the evolution of the lipidic profile from 4 to 23 years of age, the tendency from 1987 to 1993, the evolution of the prevalence of hypercholesterolaemia seric cholesterol > 200 mg/dl and the tracking from infancy to adult age. Outstanding amongst the results are the differences between the lipidic profile in both sexes, as well as the observed fall in the average levels of total seric cholesterol and in the prevalence of hypercholesterolaemia. With regard to the tracking, it is concluded that between 50% and 55% of individuals belonging to the extreme quintile of the distribution of the lipidic variables persist at this level six years later.


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How to Cite

Repáraz, F., Elcarte, R., Iñigo, J., Barriuso, L., & Villa, I. (2009). Lipidic profile: evolution, tendency and tracking from infancy to adulthood. Pecna Study. Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, 21(2), 155–165.



Research articles