Incidence of cancer in Navarra. 1988-92
Cáncer. Tumores malignos. Incidencia.Abstract
Aim. An exposition is given of the data on the incidence of malign tumours in Navarra in the five year period 1988-92, by age and sex groups. Material and methods. The collection of data of the 1988-92 five year period was carried out in an active form in the information sources. The procedures for collection, control of duplicates and processing of previous years were maintained. Both the indicators of quality and the calculations of the different rates were obtained following the recommendations proposed by the International Agency of Cancer Research (IARC). Results. Between 1988 and 1992 11,608 incident cases of malign tumours were registered in Navarra. 58% were found in men. Excluding other skin cancer, the rate adjusted to the world population was of 274.1 per 100,000 for men and 182.9 per 100,000 for women. The localisations where the adjusted rates were higher for men excluding other skin cancer were lung, prostate and bladder, and for women the localisations were breast, uterine corpus and colon. Amongst men an increasing tendency was noted of cancer of the colon and bladder, and of breast cancer amongst women. The decrease of stomach cancer in both sexes was notable. Conclusions. Navarra is situated at an intermediate level of incidence with respect to other European countries. In relation to other registers was of note the high rate of larynx cancer in men and the low rate of cervical cancer in women.Downloads
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