Control of cross-contamination in dental prostheses laboratories


  • I. Vázquez Rodríguez
  • R. Gómez Suárez
  • A. Estany-Gestal
  • M.J. Mora Bermúdez
  • P. Varela-Centelles Servizo Galego de Saúde
  • U. Santana Mora



Cross-infection. Dental technician. Cross-contamination. Dentistry. Patient safety.


Background. Dental laboratories are a potential source of cross-contamination. This study aims to assess its control in Galicia.

Methods. Voluntary random telephone interviews resulted in 149 completed questionnaires. The variables are described by percentages or means and standard deviations. A bivariate analysis was undertaken using the Chi square test.

Results. Participants were mostly middle-age (mean=45.7, SD=9.8) males (68.5%) with 20.8 (SD=10.5) years of professional experience in middle-size urban (58.4%) laboratories, who identified a higher risk when receiving items from the clinic (80.6%). Most technicians (57.7%) have a written protocol. Many (55.0%), significantly older males, do not check for item disinfection. Most technicians use gloves (62.4%) particularly younger staff at larger laboratories. Fifty-five point seven percent had been vaccinated against hepatitis B. Only 22.0% of technicians reported receiving training in cross-contamination control.

Conclusions. Identified cross-infection control practices are below standards, and lack of training and protocols are a matter for concern.


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How to Cite

Vázquez Rodríguez, I., Gómez Suárez, R., Estany-Gestal, A., Mora Bermúdez, M., Varela-Centelles, P., & Santana Mora, U. (2018). Control of cross-contamination in dental prostheses laboratories. Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, 41(1), 75–82.



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