Validation of the Scale of Hope in Terminal Illness for relatives brief version (SHTI-b). Validity and reliability analysis


  • M. Villacieros Dto Investigacion. Centro Humanizacion de la Salud
  • J. C. Bermejo
  • H. Hassoun



"palliative care" "hope" "psychometric" "spirituality" "beliefs"


Background. Bermejo and Villacieros’ Scale of Hope in Terminal Disease (SHTD) specifically collects meanings of hope facing terminal disease, including considerations relating to psycho-emotional support and that have a transcendental sense. The objective of this paper is to validate the SHTD abbreviated and rephrased to adapt all the items to a single domain. 

Methods. Starting from the published SHTD, an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was carried out with a sample of 177 valid questionnaires. In a second study, with another sample of 180 valid questionnaires, a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and a correlation analysis with other measurements of spiritual wellbeing (Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Sp) and hope (Herth Hope Index) were done. 

Results. A bidimensional model with satisfactory goodness of fit index values was obtained (GFI = 0.991; CFI = 0.984; SRMR = 0.08; RMSEA = 0.057); the Relations of Transcendence factor obtained a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.872 and Personal Relations an alpha of 0.762. The correlations of the SHTI-rb with external measures were: r = 0.527with FACIT; r = 0.266 with HHI; r = 0.667 with the Spirituality subscale of FACIT; and r = 0.348 with the Interrelation factor of HHI. The Relations of Transcendence subscale correlated with both Layout and Expectation and Interrelation of HHI (r = 0.162 and r = 0.329 respectively), while the scale of Personal Relations only correlated with Interrelation of HHI (r = 0.244). 

Conclusions. The Scale of Hope in Terminal Illness for relatives (brief version) is a valid and reliable specific instrument for terminal patients.


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How to Cite

Villacieros, M., Bermejo, J. C., & Hassoun, H. (2017). Validation of the Scale of Hope in Terminal Illness for relatives brief version (SHTI-b). Validity and reliability analysis. Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, 40(3), 391–400.



Research articles