Profile of the neurotic personality and its prevention in adulthood


  • J. Folch i Soler



Comportamiento. Personalidad neurótica. Egocentrismo. Frustración. Insatisfacción.


The neurotic personality creates numerous problems of behaviour in the infant and youth population. Given that this profile is not described in the manuals of psychopathology, we offer our criteria for its detection and treatment. One is dealing with patients who live anchored in an infantile egocentricity, intolerant in face of frustrations and highly dissatisfied. These basic symptoms are complemented by some that we describe in our questionnaire: Q-2-O ("QUESTIONARI 2, d’Osona”) which might help in evaluating their intensity: anxiety, psychomotor restlessness, dysthymia, indiscipline, aggressiveness and laziness. This maturational stagnation is accompanied by the certitude that they cannot change, because “that’s how they are”. With a highly vigilant super-ego, they can achieve a perfect socio-school adaptation, while at home their tyranny makes them unbearable. We suggest a genetic based aetiology, but there is much in this disorder that is learned. That is where we focus its treatment. It is necessary to correct this behaviour before adult life is reached.


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How to Cite

Folch i Soler, J. (2009). Profile of the neurotic personality and its prevention in adulthood. Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, 25, 109–121.