Evolution of patient safety culture in a medium-stay hospital: monitoring indicators


  • M.J. Merino Plaza Universidad de Granada y Hospital Doctor Moliner http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3138-0571
  • F.J. Carrera Hueso Hospital Dr Moliner
  • M. Castillo Blasco Hospital Dr Moliner
  • A. Martínez Asensi Hospital Dr Moliner
  • R. Martínez Capella Hospital Dr Moliner
  • N. Fikri Benbrahim Universidad de Granada




Patient safety culture. Health care organizations. Healthcare quality.


Background. Patient safety is a challenge for health care. The aim of this study is to identify the dimensions with the greatest impact on patient safety culture of healthcare staff in a medium-stay hospital; to asses its evolution over time and to check the sensitivity of monitoring indicators.

Methods. Two cross-sectional studies (2013 to 2015) were conducted. The safety culture assessment tool used was the Spanish version of the “Hospital Survey on Patient Safety” (AHRQ). Outcome variable is high perception of safety (score ≥ 75th percentile). Independent variables: socio-demographic characteristics and perceptions of the evaluated dimensions. The association between variables was quantified by Odds Ratio.

Results. The mean of perceived safety was similar in both studies: (7.81 and 7.48, N2013= 66; N2015=92). The best aspects evaluated were: “Supervisor actions” and “Teamwork within unit”; the worst evaluated were: “Staffing”, “Management support” and “Teamwork across units”. Socio-demographic variables had little significance, while a positive perception in some of the considered dimensions was associated with high perceived safety. The most strongly associated aspects were: “Supervisor actions”, “Communication openness” and “Problems in transitions”. In the comparative study, indicators based on individual dimensions detected changes better than the assessment of the degree of perceived safety.

Conclusion. The regular assessment of Patient Safety Culture makes it possible to know the status and evolution of professionals’ perceptions. The choice of appropriate indicators optimises the information obtained through these surveys.


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Author Biographies

M.J. Merino Plaza, Universidad de Granada y Hospital Doctor Moliner

Farmacéutica Especialista en Análisis Clínicos, responsable del laboratorio del Hospital Doctor Moliner. Doctorando del Programa de Farmacia Social. Universidad de Granada

F.J. Carrera Hueso, Hospital Dr Moliner

Doctor en Farmacia. Especialista en Farmacia Hospitalaria. Responsable del Servicio de Farmacia del Hospital Dr. Moliner

M. Castillo Blasco, Hospital Dr Moliner

Especialista en Medicina Interna. Hospital Dr Moliner

A. Martínez Asensi, Hospital Dr Moliner

DUE. Hospital Dr. Moliner.

R. Martínez Capella, Hospital Dr Moliner

DUE Hospital Dr Moliner

N. Fikri Benbrahim, Universidad de Granada

Doctora en Farmacia. Cátedra María José Faus de Atención Farmacéutica. Universidad de Granada


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How to Cite

Merino Plaza, M., Carrera Hueso, F., Castillo Blasco, M., Martínez Asensi, A., Martínez Capella, R., & Fikri Benbrahim, N. (2017). Evolution of patient safety culture in a medium-stay hospital: monitoring indicators. Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, 40(1), 43–56. https://doi.org/10.23938/ASSN.0005



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