Articular diseases and uveitis
Uveítis. Espondiloatropatías. Artritis reumatoide. Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal.Abstract
Ocular inflammation is a common clinical manifestation related to several autoimmune systemic disorders, specially spondyloarthropaties. In this group, there are different clinical diseases that are related to special uveitic patterns. Several discriminative patterns have been defined that closely link uveitis with certain systemic or ophthalmic diseases. Unilateral recurrent anterior acute uveitis is the most frequent form of uveitis related to spondyloarthropaties, and is sometimes the initial manifestation of an undiagnosed spondyloarthropaty. The collaboration of ophthalmologists, rheumatologists and internal medicine specialists is very important for the correct management and treatment of these patients.Downloads
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