Role of hormone replacement therapy in the prevention and treatment of menopausal osteoporosis


  • M.C. Landa


Terapia hormonal sustitutiva. Osteoporosis menopáusica. Masa ósea.


Hormone replacement therapy has been employed for the prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. This paper reviews recently published trials, especially the studies Heart and estrogen/progestin replacement study (HERS) and Women´s Health Initiative (WHI), randomized controlled trials of wide scope. The conclusion reached is that hormone replacement therapy has the effect of improving the vasomotor symptoms of menopause. It has a positive effect on the bone mass with more intensity on the trabecular bone, but this effect only persists during the hormonal treatment and the negative balance of bone exchange is recovered when treatment stops. A protective effect is found on osteoporotic fractures (vertebra, femur) during the treatment of older women (above 60 years), but this action is not found in the long term, which is why its value as a preventive therapy for osteoporosis is not supported. Finally, certain guidelines are given that can be helpful in clinical practice.


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How to Cite

Landa, M. (2008). Role of hormone replacement therapy in the prevention and treatment of menopausal osteoporosis. Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, 26, 99–105. Retrieved from



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