Preventive and nutritional factors of osteoporosis
Osteoporosis. Pico de masa ósea. Calcio. Vitamina D. Ejercicio.Abstract
In osteoporosis there is a reduction in the protein and mineral matrix of the bone, with an increase in the risk of fracture, especially of some bones. The present paper discusses some of the preventive factors relating to nutrition and life style. The acquisition of bone mass in infancy and adolescence is fundamental, carrying out a reasonable amount of exercise and a minimum exposure to sunlight, together with a high consumption of calcium proceeding from dairy products. The pharmacological supplement of calcium would be justified when the ingestion of milk and its derivatives is low in the juvenile and perimenopausal ages, as well as in cloistered or institutionalised persons, for whom vitamin D supplements should be added. Avoiding the following risks, smoking, the abusive consumption of alcohol, intense weight loss and diets that are extremely hypercaloric, a sedentary lifestyle and excessive exercise would all be other preventive measures for osteoporosis.Downloads
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