Cohort of asbestos exposed workers. Navarre (Spain) 1999-2004


  • L. Artieda
  • A. Beloqui
  • M. Lezaun


Asbesto. Enfermedad profesional. Cáncer laboral. Vigilancia de la salud.


Background. The identification of a population cohort of workers exposed to asbestos is important because it facilitates health surveillance, allowing us to fulfil the ethical obligation of recognizing the occupational origin of the illness and contributing to the development of scientific research. The goal of this study is to identify the asbestos exposed workers in Navarre and the success of the health surveillance offer. Methods. The register of asbestos exposed workers was created in 1999. It includes companies and workers from the national register, the records of the regional institution of occupational health and the data of the occupational health services and the inspectorate of sick leave. The health programme deals with occupational and post-occupational workers. Results. The cohort consists of 2,294 workers, from 33 companies, 40% of whom are active, half work manufacturing motor vehicles, 91% are exposed to chrysotile, 25% exposed to high concentrations (0.20 fibers /cm3 or more for chrysotile or 0.10 fibers /cm3 for others). The 1970s and 1990s were when most workers began to be exposed. Workers who began in the 1940s and 1950s have longer exposure times. Medical surveillance is accepted by 72%, with higher acceptance among those who are active. Conclusions. The follow-up has allowed us to recognize three times as many cases of pathology for asbestos, in comparison with those declared spontaneously in the eleven years prior to the program, which reflects its importance. The level of acceptance of the surveillance is adapted, given the methodology of the programme.


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How to Cite

Artieda, L., Beloqui, A., & Lezaun, M. (2008). Cohort of asbestos exposed workers. Navarre (Spain) 1999-2004. Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, 28(3), 335–344. Retrieved from



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