Genetic mechanisms in the hereditary predisposition
Cáncer colorrectal. Genes cáncer. Cáncer de colon hereditario no asociado a poliposis. APC. Síndromes neoplásicos hereditarios.Abstract
A proportion of colorectal cancers shows some type of genetic predisposition that can be recognised in clinical practice. From the classical dominant inheritance pattern of familial adenomatous polyposis or hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer, through the recessive transmission of the MYH associated polyposis, to the new syndromes of the “serrated pathway” or low-penetrance alleles, the discovery of new genes and a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of action of already-known ones are enabling us to understand new aspects of the colorectal carcinogenesis. This is throwing a new light on some of the observed familial aggregation patterns which had remained unexplained.Downloads
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