Recent trends of the main causes of death in Navarre. 1995-2004


  • C Moreno-Iribas Instituto de Salud Pública, Pamplona, Spain.
  • Y Floristán
  • N Egüés


Mortalidad. Años potenciales de vida perdidos. Mortalidad infantil. Esperanza de vida al nacer.


We present the statistics for mortality in Navarre for the 1995-2004 period by sex, age and cause of death. Methods. The data proceeds from the statistical bulletins on death. The 1995-1999 period is compared with the 2000-2004 period, using adjusted rates to the population of Navarre for the year 2001 and the rate of potential years of life lost between 0-70 years adjusted to the European population. Results. Life expectancy at birth in the 2000-2004 period was 77.9 years in men and 85 years in women, the latter being one of the highest registered at the world level. Infant mortality fell to 3.3 per 1,000 living newborn infants. The risk of death has fallen in practically all age groups, with a notable fall in mortality of 40% in the 25-34 group at the cost of AIDS. There has been a significant increase of mortality due to lung cancer amongst women under 65 years of age (46%) in the 2000-2004 period with respect to the previous five year period and a sharp fall in mortality due to breast cancer (45.4%). In both sexes there has been a continued fall of mortality due to cerebrovascular diseases, ischaemic heart diseases, cardiac failure and arteriosclerosis and of mortality due to ulcer and cirrhosis. The rates of mortality in Navarre in all the main groups of causes are lower than those of Europe, except for the rate of mortality due to external causes. Conclusions. The increase of mortality due to lung cancer and other cancers related to smoking, due to the spread of consumption in recent decades, could have a negative influence on the life expectancy of women in Navarre in coming years. The prevention of mortality due to external causes and the prevention of deaths linked to tobacco consumption are the two priorities that emerge from the data on mortality in this autonomous community.


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How to Cite

Moreno-Iribas, C., Floristán, Y., & Egüés, N. (2008). Recent trends of the main causes of death in Navarre. 1995-2004. Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, 29(3), 399–414. Retrieved from



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