Unmet health care needs among the working-age population: Evidence from the Great Recession in Spain (2008-2012)
Health care, Unmet needs, Spain, Discrete choice models, Employment.Abstract
Background. This study examines the relationship between unmet healthcare needs and employment status, with a focus on how this relationship was influenced by the Spanish economic recession of 2008-2012.
Methods. Data were obtained from the Spanish National Health Survey for 2006 and 2011-2012. The outcome variable was the presence of unmet healthcare needs, describing its reasons. The analysis included the period (pre-crisis/crisis), demographic variables (sex, age, Spanish citizenship), employment status, social factors (level of education, marital status, social-class), and health indicators (self-assessed health, chronic conditions, and limitations). Logistic regression was used to predict unmet health needs based on the period, employment status, and control variables.
Results. The frequency of unmet healthcare needs was low and decreased further during the crisis (5% pre-crisis vs 3% during the crisis). Unmet healthcare needs were more strongly associated with health status than with employment status. However, among the unemployed, unmet healthcare needs increased during the crisis compared to the pre-crisis.
Conclusions. The most vulnerable groups, characterized by higher unmet healthcare needs, included women, individuals with lower levels of education, and those in poorer health. These groups may require more targeted attention. These findings should be interpreted in the context of the Spanish National Health System, which is fully decentralized and provides healthcare and protection to all residents.
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