Impact of training schoolchildren how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation using stories and animated cartoons
Education, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, School Teachers, Family, Kids Save LivesAbstract
Background. We compared the outcome of training schoolchildren how to perform CPR by parents/legal guardians in the family environment versus by teachers at school. Methods. Randomized study of CPR learning in primary school children (1st and 2nd grades) in the Region of Murcia. Parents/legal guardians (family group) and teachers (teacher group) trained the children using didactic material adapted for that age population (one story and one cartoon video) from the educational series Jacinto y sus Amigos©. We evaluated eight theoretical knowledge items and five practical skills. Results. One hundred and sixty schoolchildren were selected and 116 completed the study; in the family group, 51.3% did not finish the study. Children trained by teachers obtained significantly higher median scores in comparison with the family group both in theoretical knowledge (6.7; IQR=1.8 vs 4.7; IQR=3.1, respectively; p < 0.001) and in all practical skills except for “recognizing an emergency situation”. Children in the family group, learning CPR with one story and one cartoon video achieved significantly better scores in five theoretical knowledge items and four skills than with only the story. Conclusions. Using non-technological educational resources, e.g., stories and animated cartoons for teaching CPR to primary school students, increases their knowledge and skills. Schoolchildren trained in the educational environment acquired more knowledge and skills than those trained by parents. Within the family environment, CPR teaching was more effective through one story and one cartoon video than when only the story was used.Downloads
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