Quality indicators

For quite some time, the Editorial Board of “Retos. Nuevas perspectivas de Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación”is committed to achieving the highest quality in the magazine, both in the content of the articles and in the formal or editorial aspects.
The quality of scientific journals depends on a series of indicators or standard criteria:
Impact index. Appointments in other magazines that receive articles published in our magazine
Quality criteria of the articles.
Editorial quality criteria.
Participation as a source journal in bibliometric impact index studies.
“Retos. Nuevas perspectivas de Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación” meets the quality criteria of the National Commission for Evaluating Research Activity (CNEAI) of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (ministerial resolution of November 17, 2006, BOE of 23-11- 06, page 41076) considered as necessary for a means of disseminating the research (magazine, book, congress) to be recognized as having impact as published in it. For this reason, an article published here can be used by university professors of teaching bodies to obtain the research term.
CNEAI criteria and degree of compliance of the magazine “Retos. Nuevas perspectivas de Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación”:
Criteria that refer to the informative quality of the journal as a means of scientific communication
1. Identification of the members of the editorial and scientific committees. YES
2. Detailed instructions to authors. YES
3. Information on the manuscript evaluation and selection process used by the journal, publisher, selection committee, including, for example, the review criteria, procedure and review plan of the reviewers or judges. YES
4. Translation of the summary, article titles, keywords and summaries into English, in the case of magazines and conference proceedings. YES
Criteria on the quality of the editorial process
5. Periodicity of the magazines and regularity and homogeneity of the editorial line in the case of book publishers. YES
6. Previous evaluations of what has been published by experts outside the editorial team. YES
7. Anonymity in the review of the manuscripts. YES
8. Motivated communication of the editorial decision, for example, use by the journal / editorial / selection committee of a motivated notification of the editorial decision that includes the reasons for the acceptance, revision or rejection of the manuscript, as well as the original opinions ( or retouched by the editorial staff) issued by external experts. YES
9. Editorial board, or drafting committee made up of the director, secretary and some members. YES
10. Advisory Council, made up of professionals and researchers of recognized solvency, without institutional ties to the journal or publisher, and oriented to define the editorial policy and submit it to evaluation and audit. YES
Criteria on the scientific quality of journals
11. Percentage of research articles, more than 75% of the articles must be works that communicate original research results. YES
12. Authorship: degree of editorial inbreeding, more than 75% of the authors will be external to the editorial committee and virtually unrelated to the editorial organization of the magazine. YES
In addition to the previous points, it will be particularly appreciated that the magazine contains a fixed section with statistical information about the number of papers received and accepted. Likewise, special consideration will be given to the progressive indexing of journals in specialized international databases. YES
• As a whole, according to the cumulative IN-REC index, between the years 2000-2009, we obtained 58th place out of the total of 142 journals, appearing in the 2010 index in the second quartile in 29th place with an impact index of 0.127 .
• A recent and interesting proposal on criteria for this work of review and acceptance of works in scientific journals in the field of physical activity and sports sciences is found in the work of Villamón, Devís and Valenciano (2005 and 2006). Our magazine has adapted to these criteria since 2007.
• Regarding the criteria or indicators of editorial quality, one of the most comprehensive and consensual lists in our context is that of the LATINDEX Project (Regional online information system for scientific journals in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal). These aspects can be verified in the rules for the acceptance of papers from each journal that have been verified by the positive evaluation that CINDOC has carried out to be included in its databases and in the Latindex catalog. Challenges meets all the criteria, that is, the 33 criteria established for printed magazines and 36 for electronic ones. 

• ANECA uses this journal, included in the DICE database (Diffusion and Editorial Quality of the Spanish Journals of Humanities and Social and Legal Sciences), as a quality reference for Spanish publications, in its teacher evaluation processes.
ISSN Retos: 1579-1726 ISSNe: 1988-2041
Periodicidad Trimestral desde Enero de 2021: 1 de enero, 1 de abril, 1 de julio y de Octubre
Send suggestions and comments to retosfeadef@gmail.com