Percepciones de la corrupción, desconfianza política, y el debilitamiento del Islam político en Irak



Palabras clave:

percepción de la corrupción, apoyo a la democracia, desconfianza política, Islam político, Irak


Empleando la técnica SEM, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo examinar los efectos de las percepciones acerca de la corrupción sobre la desconfianza en la política y en el islamismo político en Irak. El presente estudio utilizó los datos de la quinta oleada del Arab Barometer proporcionados durante los años 2018-2019. Examinando los datos proporcionados por 2461 ciudadanos iraquíes, los resultados revelaron que la percepción de corrupción que, por un lado, aumenta la percepción de la ciudadanía de un desempeño deficiente del gobierno y una mala dirección del país y, por otro lado, reduce la tendencia a un sistema político democrático. Los resultados también mostraron que las percepciones de los ciudadanos sobre la corrupción, a través de las tres variables mediadoras mencionadas, indirectamente aumentan la desconfianza política en la sociedad y afectan negativamente a la islamización política. 

Biografía del autor/a

Mahmoudreza Rahbarqazi , University of Isfahan

is an assistant professor of political science at the University of Isfahan (Iran). He has been doning some research in the field of political science at the university for six years. He holds a PhD in Political Science, the field of Political Sociology. His main research interests are in the political protests in the Middle East and Iran. He has recently published some studies in political science and sociology journals including: “Participation in Political Protest: Tracing Direct and Indirect Effects of News Usage and Social Interaction” (Observatorio, 2019), “Political Attitudes of Arab Citizens in North Africa” (Politologija, 2019), “Social Media, Political Discussion, and Political Protest: A Case Study of the 2018 Political Protests in Iran” (KOME, 2019).

Raza Mahmoudoghli , University of Mohaghegh Ardabili

is an assistant professor of political science at Mohaghegh Ardabili University (Iran). He has been researching political science at Mohaghegh Ardabili University for 5 years. He holds a PhD in Political Science, the field of Political Sociology. His main research interests are political participation and political protests, especially the effect of the new media on the political protests of non-democratic societies. He has recently published some pieces of research in political science and sociology journals including: “Religion and political engagement” (Cogent Social Sciences, 2017), “Investigation effects of social networks on political activism in students University of Isfahan” (Quarterly Journal of Socio - Cultural Development Studies, 2016). 


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Cómo citar

Rahbarqazi, M., & Mahmoudoghli, R. (2020). Percepciones de la corrupción, desconfianza política, y el debilitamiento del Islam político en Irak. Revista Española De Sociología, 29(3 - Sup1), 57–74.


