Donatus’ Commentary to Terence: the language of Terence and the veteres


  • Ana-Isabel Magallón García Universidad de Zaragoza



Donatus; Commentum Terentii; historiography of the language.


Donatus’ Commentum Terentii, despite its complex textual transmission, offers us an outstanding amount of linguistic data about an almost classical author who, nevertheless, becomes studied by him with the criteria of vetustas and archaismós. We shall analyze here the data allowing us to establish this methodology by the means of which Donatus (and his scholia) have studied the language of this playwright.


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How to Cite

Magallón García, A.-I. (2002) “Donatus’ Commentary to Terence: the language of Terence and the veteres”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 2, pp. 17–32. doi: 10.23808/rel.v2i0.87958.




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