Pudicitia, impudicia and impudentia in relation to pudor: a semantic study.


  • Jean-François Thomas Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III




Modesty; immodesty; morals; semantics.


Several terms of the pudor-pudere family invite a reflection on how certain aspects of moral judgement are expressed. Pudicitia and pudor both refer to modesty; such restraint in manners and in private life, however, relates either to long-term behaviour (pudicitia), or else to a dynamic ability (pudor) defending dignity in the face of passion. Pudor is thus meant to vanquish furor, and this idea is well expressed in certain elegiac poets, in Seneca’s tragedies and Valerius Flaccus’s epics. Immodesty (impudicitia) is rather to be identified over the long term, and the terms serves as antonym to pudorImpudentia, despite equivalences in translation, denotes a lack of feeling of restraint, inducing bad behaviour, thus serving as antonym to pudor in its sense of restraint. The three words are much less polysemic than is pudor.


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How to Cite

Thomas, J.-F. (2005) “ impudicia and impudentia in relation to pudor: a semantic study”., Revista de Estudios Latinos, 5, pp. 53–73. doi: 10.23808/rel.v5i0.87906.


