How to exalt narcissism in verbal interaction (the role of the slave as a trigger for self-centered discourse in Plautus' Miles Gloriosus)


  • Mirka Maraldi Universitá di Bologna
  • Anna Orlandini Université de Toulouse 2



Plautus; Miles Gloriosus; Pyrgopolynices; Artotrogus; narcissisme; interaction verbale.


Every self-centred discourse can run the risk of contravening some maxims of politeness. More specifically, the conversational narcissism generally comes into conflict with the Modesty Maxim, which suggests to minimize self praise. A clear classical literary example of conversational narcissism is found in Plautus’ Miles Gloriosus. In the opening scene, Pyrgopolynices is set as the braggart warrior by a conversation between him and his satellite Artotrogus. This parasite, who appears only in this scene, has just the role of promoting and carrying the warrior’s narcissism to a high degree of ridiculousness. We have analysed the various discourse strategies used by this character to obtain the confidence of his interlocutor and to increase the braggart warrior’s self praise. Relevant strategies are the repeated recourse to the predicate memini (‘I remember’) or expressions such as quod omnes mortales sciunt (‘what every mortal knows’), that have the clear function of assuring credibility to the empty boasting of the warrior.


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How to Cite

Maraldi, M. and Orlandini, A. (2006) “How to exalt narcissism in verbal interaction (the role of the slave as a trigger for self-centered discourse in Plautus’ Miles Gloriosus)”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 6, pp. 41–54. doi: 10.23808/rel.v6i0.87891.




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