Word Order of the Adjective in the Latin Versions of Ruth’s Book


  • Rafael Jiménez Zamudio Universidad Autónoma de Madrid




The Greek and Latin translators of the Hebrew Bible tried to preserve the order of the syntagm noun-adjective, as it appears in Hebrew. Although Septuaginta and Vetus Latina translate word for word the hebrew text, Jerome proceeded more freely in his Vulgata translation. The author of this paper tries to analyze and explain the deviations that were produced in the order of this syntagm in the Latin versions and specially in Vulgata. In order to do this he has analyzed all the cases of Ruth’s Book in which this type of syntagm appears.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Zamudio, R. (2008) “Word Order of the Adjective in the Latin Versions of Ruth’s Book”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 8, pp. 73–90. doi: 10.23808/rel.v8i0.87861.


