Oh Brother, where art thou?: Coen Brothers before Classical Tradition


  • Gracia Terol Plá Universidad de Almería
  • Manuel López-Muñoz Universidad de Almería




Coen; Odyssey; Classical Tradition; myth; recreation; mimesis


This work offers a description of the relation between The Odyssey and Oh brother!. After proposing the objectives to achieve, this project selects the film O brother, where art thou? by the Coen Brothers (2000) to study its relation with The Odyssey. This paper analyzes how: the original topic, structure and message of the myth have been adapted for the new version; which modifications have experimented these points; and which functions shows the myth in the cinematographic plot. After that, the next part focuses on Coen figures and their relation with the possible source they used. Finally, this work determines the existence of a mimesis relation between the myth and the film, explaining which kind of mimesis it is.


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How to Cite

Terol Plá, G. and López-Muñoz, M. (2015) “Oh Brother, where art thou?: Coen Brothers before Classical Tradition”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 15, pp. 157–173. doi: 10.23808/rel.v15i0.87700.


