Vol. 70 (2021): Julio-Diciembre

Laguna evaporítica de Pastos Grandes (Bolivia)

Articles presented at the LXX  Scientific Session (Virtual) of the SGE, May 28, 2021.

Date of first publication (SGE website): December 13, 2021.

Cover image: Laguna Pastos Grandes (Bolivia) is a shallow evaporite lake occupying the volcanic caldera of the same name. Fed by ephemeral springs and rivers, the lake contains high concentrations of boron and lithium of volcanic origin. The photo corresponds to the edge of the lake where gypsum and halite precipitate. Photo by Javier García-Veigas (Universitat de Barcelona).

- Author index y scientific reviewers ( Vol. 69 y 70, year 2021).

Published: 2021-12-13
