Courtly-Love and Love Discourse: Analysis of some Lieder of Der von Kürenberg and Dietmar von Eist
Courtly-Love, Medieval German lyric, Rollendichtung, Der von Kürenberg, Dietmar von EistAbstract
The concept of courtly-love is not unanimously defined by criticism. Indeed, there are many theories on the definition of fin’amors that have been defended by specialists since Gaston Paris in 1883 used the expression amour courtois for first time in his study on the relationship between Lancelot and Geneve in the work of Chrétien de Troyes. In this sense, and following the assumptions of Rüdiger Schnell (1989), it should be noted that the diversity, plurality and multiple points of view on love in medieval literary—epic or lyrical—works whose central theme is love, leads us more to characteristics of this kind of love that to a specific definition on it. This paper aims to analyse the presence of these characteristics from the female discourse of four well known Lieder of the Minnesangs Frühling, composed by two of the most popular Minnesänger of the first Minnesang-phase: Der von Kürenberg (Ich stuont mir nehtint spâte, Ich zôch mir einen valken and Swenne ich stân aleine) and Dietmar von Eist (Ez stuont ein vrouwe aleine).
Métricas alternativas
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