Weaving together struggles for the right to education: collective and personal narratives for inclusion from the social model of disability





disability, disability discrimination, inclusive education, human rights, human diversity


This paper aims to question and contribute to the transformation of those cultures, policies and educational practices that lead schools to exclude some students by devaluing
differences. With this intention, we have collated a series of stories and collective narratives that address human diversity and the right to inclusive education. They allow us
to escape the new frontiers of normality, creating vital and social cartographies motivated by
desire for change. The methodology used combines participatory action-research processes with biographical and narrative research. The scope of the project, combined with these
processes, allow us to understand the daily and complex constructions as well as the collaborative mechanisms put into practice by teachers, students and activist families who seek
recognition of all kinds of abilities in schools. The stories are intertwined and build upon each other, promoting knowledge and actions that draw upon difficult experiences, usually made
invisible by the institution. These actions are full of emotion to promote social movements and educational changes. Likewise, the results obtained show that the formation of networks
of mutual support and resistance favor resilience processes, pointing towards structural transformations and act for the benefit of all people in schools.


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Author Biographies

Ignacio Calderón Almendros , Universidad de Málaga

Associate professor at the Department of Theory and History of Education and Research & Diagnosis Methods in Education at the University of Malaga, Spain. He researches collaboratively with activists, teachers and other researchers in promoting inclusive education, and is a member of the Education Scientific Committee of Iberoamerican Federation of Down Syndrome. He has authored numerous articles and books, the last one in English is entitled “Disability, education and inclusion: A family struggle against an excluding school” (Brill, 2017).

María Teresa Rascón Gómez , Universidad de Málaga

Profesora titular en el Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación y M.I.D.E. de la Universidad
de Málaga. Miembro del Grupo de Investigación Teoría de la Educación y Educación Social
(HUM-169). Sus líneas de investigación son la educación inclusiva, la educación intercultural y la
atención a la diversidad. Entre sus publicaciones destacan La construcción de la identidad cultural
desde una perspectiva de género: el caso de las mujeres marroquíes (SPICUM), y otras de
autoría compartida como La construcción de la identidad en los hijos de inmigrantes marroquíes
(Revista Española de Pedagogía, junto a J.M. Esteve y C. Ruiz) y el libro Análisis y propuestas para
una nueva Ley Educativa (Octaedro), junto a I. Calderón.


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