Didactic materials for citizen training in compulsory secondary education classrooms
an analysis of its use through non-participatory observation
teaching and learning history, teaching material, assessment, social and civic competence, secondary educationAbstract
This article aims to analyze the functionality of four educational materials aimed at students of Compulsory and Post-compulsory Secondary Education. The content of the material covers different aspects of the social sciences and has been designed by a mixed team of researchers and teachers, in order to promote citizenship training in students. Our analysis focuses on two aspects, since it aims to evaluate the employability of this material in the classroom, in relation to the promotion of interactive learning, and investigates the position occupied by the teacher with respect to their students. These two aspects are considered significant factors for a teaching and learning aimed at promoting classroom experiences in line with citizenship education. The sociodemographic context is situated in the Catalan educational field with an intentional criterial sample. The treatment of the collected data is based on non-participant direct observation in the classrooms, and a lexical-metric analysis using the Iramuteq program. The results are treated from the narrative reflections collected during the observation of the staging of said material, considering as dimensions of analysis: the classroom climate, the performance of the materials in relation to the social competence development of the students, and the teaching methodology. The study concludes on the importance of an adequate preparation of teachers, in relation to the use of material, to generate active learning situations, and the need for a pedagogical approach to said material that predisposes activities whose intention is to promote these same situations, from educative approaches that allow dealing with competition from directly related content.
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