Expert validation of the questionnaire “children and participation”
questionnaire; validity; participation; childhood; youthAbstract
This article presents the study of the reliability and validity of the questionnaire "Childhood and Participation" designed within the framework of an ongoing research to census the forms of participation identified in the municipalities that are part of the network of Ciudades Amigas de la Infancia and/or to Asociación Internacional de Ciudades Educadoras. The questionnaire (in its dual version, one for technical figures and the other for elected officials from the municipal context) made it possible to describe the elements and characteristic practices (conceptual, functional, organizational and operational references) linked to the exercise of child citizenship at the local level. First, it presents the theoretical foundation and the model of participation from which it is based, from which the objectives, content, and internal structure of the instrument are specified. Below, the procedure followed to design, verify and establish the validation of the questionnaire in a participatory process structured in 3 phases, taking as a criterion the temporality of the procedure: the construction of the initial version; verification and validation (pilot test) and, finally, post-validation by the framework project research team. The procedural aspects and the results obtained from the point of view of the ecological validity of the questionnaire, the reliability as a concordance of criteria between researchers and participants, are offered by means of the coefficient of "Kappa de Fleiss", and the assessment of both metric qualities, as a validity of judgment, once the final version has been administered. The usefulness and interest of this instrument in research aimed at analyzing the state of children's participation in municipalities is confirmed.
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