Climántica: a social, pedagogical and environmental project to face climate change
Social pedagogy, Environmental education, Project, Innovation, Climate changeAbstract
The climate crisis means the most complex social, economic and environmental challenge facing humanity. International guidelines for addressing the global problem of climate change has been reflected in the Preliminary Draft of the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law of Ecologic Transition and Demographic Challenge Ministry, which highlights the need for education and training to achieve the objectives set out in the Paris Agreement (United Nations, 2015). In this situation, Social Pedagogy cannot be kept out, and its answers cannot be simple in the face of the complexity of the contingency.
In this scenario, we present the analysis of the Climántica project, which emerged in Galicia in 2007 and which anticipated these demands, achieving and consolidating in the field of Environmental Education in the national and international sphere creating networks of work and collaboration at the local, national, and international levels.
This article presents the project's description, planning, prospective, and objectives. Quantitative and qualitative data are provided, with more than 2.025.000 visits registered on the official project website from more than 1.365.000 unique users registered until 31 of May 2020 from a large number of countries around the globe. The results allow us to assess as successful the achievement of the established objectives. We finalize the text in an approach to an initial evaluation of the project from a Good Practices perspective in order to establish a future in-depth assessment and detect weaknesses for its short, medium and long term future.
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