Peer abuse in secondary education by gender and school year. The relationships with equals, school liking and satisfaction with life for bullies and victims
peer abuse, bullying, age differences by gender, victim, abuserAbstract
A review and an analysis of peer abuse and bullying in adolescents were carried out for the purposes of this piece of research. An assessment was made of the ways peer abuse can be presented during this stage of human development, as well as the differences according to gender and school year. Additionally, the potential association with other varia-bles was analysed such as school liking, the relationships with equals and the satisfaction of adolescents with life. The results were compared depending on whether the adolescent was a victim or a bully and the relationship between being a bully and being a victim was put under analysis. The study was carried out with 1,128 adolescents registered in the 1st and 4th years of obligatory secondary school (average age: 14.4 years old). 13% of the respondents stated that they had been bullied some time and 21.2% stated they had taken part in an episode of bullying. There is more bullying in the 1st year of obligatory secondary education than in the 4th year. The most frequent form of bullying was verbal (28.5%); followed by spreading lies and rumours with the intention of harming others (27.4%), which was more frequent amongst girls; social bullying (ignoring or excluding others) is suffered by 18.4% of the respondents with no gender difference; physical bullying is suffered by 7.7% and mostly amongst boys. Bullies and victims, compared to others, feel unhappier and think their moment in life is worse than others. Bullies feel less accepted and more disliked by others. Victims like school less than others. The differences with other papers are discussed hereA review and an analysis of peer abuse and bullying in adolescents were carried out for the purposes of this piece of research. An assessment was made of the ways peer abuse can be presented during this stage of human development, as well as the differences according to gender and school year. Additionally, the potential association with other variables was analysed such as school liking, the relationships with equals and the satisfaction of adolescents with life. The results were compared depending on whether the adolescent was a victim or a bully and the relationship between being a bully and being a victim was put under analysis. The study was carried out with 1,128 adolescents registered in the 1st and 4th years of obligatory secondary school (average age: 14.4 years old). 13% of the respondents stated that they had been bullied some time and 21.2% stated they had taken part in an episode of bullying. There is more bullying in the 1st year of obligatory secondary education than in the 4th year. The most frequent form of bullying was verbal (28.5%); followed by spreading lies and rumours with the intention of harming others (27.4%), which was more frequent amongst girls; social bullying (ignoring or excluding others) is suffered by 18.4% of the respondents with no gender difference; physical bullying is suffered by 7.7% and mostly amongst boys. Bullies and victims, compared to others, feel unhappier and think their moment in life is worse than others. Bullies feel less accepted and more disliked by others. Victims like school less than others. The differences with other papers are discussed here
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