Configurational analysis of IPV reporting in sexual minority women couples




Violence, homosexuality, economic conditions, intersectionality, csQCA, CEM


This article aims to identify the necessary and sufficient conditions for reporting intimate partner violence (IPV) among sex-dissident women couples. To achieve this, cases of reported and unreported physical violence and economic violence are analyzed using data from the National Bank of Data and Information on Cases of Violence against Women. These data were preprocessed using Coarsened Exact Matching to reduce potential biases. The resulting subsample underwent Comparative Qualitative Analysis (csQCA), given previous evidence suggesting asymmetric, conjunctural, and multiple causality in the issue. The study reveals several alternative causal configurations for non-reporting, but few for reporting. The employment of the perpetrator and home ownership by the couple are necessary conditions for the non-reporting of economic violence. Regarding non-reporting of physical violence, four conditions are highlighted: home ownership, the perpetrator’s employment, the presence of other forms of violence, and the victim’s lack of employment. The predominant structure fosters the proliferation of violence against those lacking economic security. Through economic control, the perpetrator limits the victim’s ability to seek help and exploits fear. This study highlights the configuration of power relations within couples, which can be transformed through education. Additionally, it contributes to critical pedagogy by analyzing power structures and promoting social justice.


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Author Biographies

Guillermo San Roman Tajonar , Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro

Profesor de tiempo libre; coordinador del Laboratorio Universitario de Seguridad Ciudadana (LUSC). Doctor en geografía, expedido por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Mauricio Olivares Méndez , Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro

Profesor de tiempo completo. Maester en International Migrations and Intercultural Relations (Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS))


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