
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, including in another language, nor is it in the process of being evaluated for another journal.
  • The file sent is in Microsoft Word .doc* or RTF format. [* Avoid the .docx format.]
  • The text has a line spacing of 1.5 spaces; the font size is 12 point; italics are used in place of underlining (excepting for URLs); all illustrations, figures and tables are appropriately placed within the text and not at the end of the article.
  • The text meets the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Instructions for Authors, which can be found in About the Journal.
  • To ensure blind peer review, the text does not contain the Author(s) name(s) and has eliminated all self-references (e.g. "as I wrote in ..."). Note that in word processing programmes there is a section under File / Properties in which you must delete information regarding authorship and/or organization from the file.
  • Abstracts of your article have been prepared in Spanish and English, along with five Keywords, ready for copying and pasting into the appropriate fields in the submission form.
  • The text has a maximum of two authors.

Author Guidelines

The author who wants to publish an article in Historia y Política must sign up on RECYT and check that the text fulfills the format and citation rules [see below] and includes an abstract. The journal will reject every text with more than two authors. Neglecting publication rules will lead to the rejection of the article.


Once your article is prepared using the required format and citation standards of the journal [see below] and you have prepared an Abstract, you can submit the article through the RECYT platform.
1. Access, complete the user profile and click "register".
2. Use your password to enter the journal ( Go to the "My journals" section (access is on the side panel).
3. Click on the "Author" role (in blue) for the journal.
5. Follow the instructions.
Note: If you have questions about this procedure write to


History and Politics accepts articles written in Spanish and English, and publishes them in the original language. Articles submitted in English must have a level of quality equivalent to having been written or revised by a native English speaker.


Submitted texts must be between 8,000 and 12,000 words in length, including footnotes, bibliography, graphics, tables, maps and appendices. Use the Times New Roman font, size 12, with a line spacing of 1.5. The only exception is footnotes, which should be in size 10 with single line spacing.
To guarantee the confidentiality of reviews, the text should neither contain the name of the author (s), nor any reference that allows them to be easily identified (projects, seminars, acknowledgments, etc.). Note that in word processing programmes there is a section in File / Properties, from which you must delete all information regarding authorship and/or organization. Once the article is accepted for publication, all references may be included later in the editing process.
The article must be preceded by a Title and an Abstract, in both Spanish and English. The Spanish version of the Abstract must be between 150 and 250 words in length. The Abstract should accurately describe the purpose of the article, its sources and methodology, and the main conclusions. Abstracts must follow the structure objectives-methods-results-conclusions and may not include information that is not present in the text of the article. Unnecessary words or expressions and excessively long phrases should also be avoided. Five Keywords are required in both Spanish and English.
The articles must have an internal organization approximating the Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion (IMRD) model of communicating scientific results. Evaluators will consider the adaptation of the work to this format, as follows:
Introduction. This section should be used to present the object of study, describe the research question(s) the article addresses, the method of analysis and the sources used.
Development. The body of the text should be used to analyze the object of study. Authors can use as many headings or sections as they deem necessary.
Conclusions. This section should be used to specify the results of the research as systematically and precisely as possible. In particular, the original contribution(s) of the article should be highlighted, along with new avenues opened up for research and debate within the historiography community.
In line with this internal structure, the article should be divided into sections with corresponding numbered titles (I., II., III…). Numbered paragraphs may also be used, although it is not recommended to use more than two levels in a scientific article  (1., 2., 3...).
Direct quotes used within the text must be enclosed in quotation marks. Where a direct quote exceeds five lines, it must be separated from the main body of the text, without quotation marks, and indented with font size 12. Any changes made to the original quotation shall be indicated by enclosing the change(s) within parentheses.
The use of bold or underline to highlight text is not accepted. Italics are reserved only for the use of Latin words or expressions in languages other than that of the article.
Any tables, graphics or images contained in the article should have a numbered heading and include a reference to their source at the foot of the object.
If the article contains images, they must be sent in a separate document in JPG image format or similar, once the article has been accepted for publication. Obtaining the necessary permission for the reproduction of images is the responsibility of the author. Without the relevant permissions, images cannot be published.

In gender related issues, Historia y Política recommends the following rules:

1.-Use of inclusive language in the scientific papers. It must take into account the presence and situation of women in society and has to agree with the equality principle.

2.-Research works must avoid stereotypes and gender bias on its analysis. This includes a policy of the use of sex and gender variables during the management of sources and methodologies related to Historia y Política field of study. The masculine gender must be avoided as universal reference, as well as exacerbated biological differences and the normalisation of social-built differences. When it is possible because of the chosen methodology, present differences will be analysed in every sex and the results will be presented separatedly by that issue.

It is recommended for authors whose published works have been developed with data with the sex varable that they must inform about if their conclusions have taken into account possible differences between sexes.


Important: a deadline for new special numbers has been established and, since 2024, new proposals will be accepted from 1st July to 1st December of each year only.

Instructions for the sending and evaluation of proposals for Special Sections
Proposals for Special Sections must be sent as an attachment to the journal e-mail address:
Special Section proposals must have one or two coordinators and may comprise between four and six articles.
Special Sections may not include more than two authors linked to one of the publishing entities of the journal (UCM, UNED, CEPC). Likewise, it is recommended that at least one of the authors does not belong to a Spanish academic entity.
Coordinators or authors who have previously published an article in History and Politics may not publish subsequently in a Special Section of the journal for three years.
The Special Section proposal should contain the following aspects:
- Title of the Special Section.
- Justification of the interest of the proposal.
- Name and surnames of the authors proposed and the institutions to which they are affiliated.
- Title and summary of the content of each article that forms the Special Section.
The coordinators of the Special Section are obliged to inform the Editorial Board if they have submitted another Special Section proposal to another journal, or have already had it approved pending publication, even where the other Special Section addresses a different theme. In the event of a failure to report these circumstances, the Editorial Board reserves the right to re-evaluate the Special Section proposal and potentially to reject it, even if it has already been approved.
The History and Policy Editorial Board will evaluate Special Section proposals within a maximum period of six months. The Editors reserve the right to reject or urge the coordinators to modify their original proposal.
In evaluating the proposal, the Editorial Board will take into account the following criteria as priorities:
- The adaptation of the proposal to the thematic lines of the journal.
- The interdisciplinary nature of the proposal.
- The international dimension of the theme and the authors that make up the proposal.
Once the proposal is accepted, the Coordinators of the Special Section undertake to comply with the following aspects:
- Respect the deadlines for delivery of the articles.
- Review the articles before submitting them to the journal, to verify that they conform to the format and norms of citation of the magazine.
- Include a brief presentation or introduction to open the publication of the Special Section (4000 words maximum).
- Consult with the Editorial Board regarding any modification of the approved proposal.
The articles should match the required length (less than 12,000 words), format and citation standards of the journal.
The author of each article in the Special Section is responsible for submitting the completed article through the RECYT platform.


Notes shall be placed at the foot of the page (footnotes), numbered using Arabic characters in superscript format. Footnotes should not be very long, and only contain documentary sources and brief clarifications that are not of sufficient importance to be placed within the main body of the text. Bibliographical citations are also to be included in footnotes. In no case will this be the complete bibliographical reference, which will be included in the final article Bibliography.
References to documentary, media or archival sources will be made in the footnotes following the usual norms in the academic field. In the case of a press article, follow this example:
“Una manifestación gloriosa”, La Correspondencia de España, 15-3-1882.
References cited
Bibliographical citations will be indicated in footnotes, and must correspond with a complete reference in the article bibliography. References will be abbreviated according to the Harvard author-year system: author (year): page(s)-
Smith (1993: 323)
References with two authors will be cited using primary surnames and the conjunction ‘and’:
Telles and Ortiz (2011)
Where work with three or more authors is cited, it is sufficient to cite the first author followed by et al.:
Aguilar et al. (2003)
Where various articles of an author, or group of authors, from the same year are cited, a letter (a, b, c, etc.) must be added after the year:
Johnson (2012b)
Where a cited author’s name forms part of the text of the footnote, the year and page number(s) must always be included in parentheses:
According to Cascales (2010: 22)…
Citations of more than two bibliographic references in a single footnote should be separated by a semicolon, apart from the final citation which will be preceded only by a comma. If there are two references, they will be separated by the conjunction ‘and’:
Garland (2013); Duff (2001); Aguilar (2003), and Rey (2010)
Garland (2013) and Duff (2001)
A Bibliography will be included at the end of all articles. The Bibliography will only contain references cited in the text. Additional references may not be included. Items will be listed alphabetically by the author’s first surname. In addition, the author's complete given name must be indicated. The American Psychological Association (APA) style must be followed. If two or more works of an author from the same year are included, they shall be distinguished by means of a letter following the year.
Maravall, José Antonio (1966a). Antiguos y modernos: la idea de progreso en el desarrollo inicial de una sociedad. Madrid: Sociedad de Estudios y Publicaciones.
Maravall, José Antonio (1966b). De la Ilustración al Romanticismo: el pensamiento político de Cadalso. París: Centre de Recherches de L'Institut d'Etudes Hispaniques.
Where a reissued work is cited and the date of the first edition is considered relevant, the original year shall be indicated in brackets:
Maravall, José Antonio (1981) [1963]. Las comunidades de Castilla: una primera revolución moderna. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
Below are bibliographic examples for the most common document types:
-Single author
Fetheringill Zwicker, Lisa (2011). Dueling students. Conflict, Masculinity, and Politics in German Universities, 1890-1914. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
-Two or more authors
Cleminson, Richard, Vázquez García, Francisco (2010). Los invisibles. Una historia de la homosexualidad masculina en España, 1850-1939. Granada: Comares.
-Digital/online book
Sanmartín Cuevas, Xabier (2014). Nuevas tecnologías traen nuevas tendencias: viaje TIC con 80 entrevistas exclusivas. Disponible en: e/6Yw1INoKGt/x/153460026/9.
Book chapters
Aresti, Nerea (2014). «A la nación por la masculinidad. Una mirada de género a la crisis del 98» En Mary Nash (coord.): Feminidades y masculinidades. Arquetipos y prácticas de género. Madrid: Alianza, pp. 47-74.
Scientific journal articles
Peyrou, Florencia (2019). «A vueltas con las dos esferas. Una revisión historiográfica», Historia y Política, 42, 359-385.
- Digital/online journals
Pifarré, María José (2013). «Internet y redes sociales: un nuevo contexto para el delito». IDP. Revista de Internet, Derecho y Política 16, 40-43. Disponible en: 8864004.
- Digital/online journals with DOI
Díaz-Noci, Javier. (2010). Medios de comunicación en internet: algunas tendencias. El Profesional de la Información, 19 (6), 561-567. Retrieved from:
- Proceedings
Cairo, Heriberto y Finkel, Lucila. (coord.) (2013). Actas del XI Congreso Español de Sociología: crisis y cambio. Propuestas desde la Sociología. Madrid: Federación Española de Sociología.
- Papers published in Conference Proceedings
Codina Bonilla, Lluís. (2000). Parámetros e indicadores de calidad para la evaluación de recursos digitales. En Actas de las VII Jornadas Españolas de Documentación (Bilbao, 19-21 de octubre de 2000): la gestión del conocimiento: retos y soluciones de los profesionales de la información (pp. 135-144). Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco.
- Papers and communications online
Durán Heras, María Ángeles. (2014). Mujeres y hombres ante la situación de dependencia. Comunicación presentada en el seminario Políticas públicas de atención a personas mayores dependientes: hacia un sistema integral de cuidados. Disponible en:
- Published
Torres Delgado, Gemma (2016). Masculinitat i colonizatzió a Espanya: arquetips masculins al discurs colonial sobre el Marroc (1880-1927) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat de Barcelona. Retrieved from:
- Unpublished
De las Heras, Beatriz. (2011). Imagen de la mujer en el Fondo Fotográfico de las Guerra Civil Española de la Biblioteca Nacional de España. Madrid, 1936-1939 [unpublished PhD thesis]. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

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In accordance with the provisions of Article 5 from Organic Law 15/1999, dated 13th December, concerning the Protection of Personal Data, we wish to inform you that personal information provided to the journals to which FECYT provides access is included in a file belonging to the journal “Historia y Política”. It is possible to check each journal’s purpose in the section “about/contact”.

We also inform you that FECYT acts as data processor for each of the files owned by the journals. Thereof, FECYT facilitates the exercise of your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, according to the terms described in Spanish Law on the Protection of Personal Data, by contacting the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology headquarters located at C/ Pintor Velázquez nº 5 - Edificio Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, 28100 Alcobendas (Madrid).

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