Learning processes and pedagogical contents in the Elementary Education Degree

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Beatriz Jarauta Borrasca
José Luis Medina Moya


INTRODUCTION. Initial teacher education is today a key element for improving education systems and the quality of education. The training stage is a decisive moment when aspiring teachers begin to construct their professional knowledge and identities. Lately, in the face of persistent complaints of certain problems, a deep reflection about a new model of initial training is required. To contribute to decision-making about new models, we explored the perceptions of teachers and students about the teacher knowledge developed in the Degree of Primary Education at the University of Barcelona, and the main spaces and learning processes. METHOD. The research is based on a case study. The participants were 179 students and 22 professors from the Bachelor of Teacher in Primary Education at the University of Barcelona. We collected narratives and conducted discussion groups and in-depth interviews. RESULTS. The results evidence a high satisfaction of the students in relation to the acquisition of pedagogical theories, notions of curriculum design and knowledge of the teaching subjects. The results show that during initial training, more attention is paid to teachers’ role in the classroom and less to their role in the school and the community. Participants highlighted problems related to the integration of theory and practice and to the incorporation of ICTs into education. DISCUSSION. In view of the results, it’s necessary to rethink the structure of initial teacher education, opting for an open and interdisciplinary configuration of the curriculum and the use of experiential and reflective learning methodologies. We conclude by offering guidelines for the development of new training policies and practices.


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How to Cite
Jarauta Borrasca, B., & Medina Moya, J. L. (2023). Learning processes and pedagogical contents in the Elementary Education Degree. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 75(3), 103–118. https://doi.org/10.13042/Bordon.2023.94634
Author Biographies

Beatriz Jarauta Borrasca, Universidad de Barcelona (España)

Profesora agregada del Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa de la Universidad de Barcelona. Su trabajo docente e investigador ha venido desarrollándose en los ámbitos de la formación del profesorado, didáctica y currículum e innovación pedagógica. Coordina el Observatorio Internacional de la Profesión Docente (OBIPD-UB).

José Luis Medina Moya, Universidad de Barcelona (España)

Catedrático del Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa de la Universidad de Barcelona. Su trabajo docente e investigador ha venido desarrollándose en los ámbitos de la formación del profesorado universitario, la epistemología pedagógica, la investigación cualitativa y la metodología de la enseñanza. Coordina el Grupo Consolidado de Investigación “Formación Docente e Innovación Pedagógica” (FODIP).



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