Analysis of GeoGebra applets for teaching the limit of a function
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INTRODUCTION. The importance of GeoGebra as one of the main tools that offer Mathematics teachers the possibility of working with virtual simulations in their classrooms is indisputable. However, the resources in the official GeoGebra repository do not go through any review process. Therefore, the teacher’s criteria when selecting this type of resource is key for teaching success. Thus, it is necessary to provide teachers with tools to analyze GeoGebra applets for their implementation in the classroom. In particular, this type of resources offers numerous advantages to teach the mathematical concept of the limit of a function. METHOD. In this paper, the didactic suitability of GeoGebra applets for teaching the limit of a function is analyzed. An exploratory and descriptive study has been carried out. The analysis has been carried out using a deductive approach based on five different variables (type of limit, interactivity, conceptual image, representation and action). The analyzed sample, chosen through purposeful sampling, is 150 applets from the official GeoGebra material repository. RESULTS. The results are shown after analyzing the five established variables for each of the studied applets. The influence of interactivity with the rest of the variables is also analyzed, as well as the influence of the number of representations of the limit in the applets. DISCUSSION. In the analysis carried out of the didactic suitability, the importance of the interactivity variable stands out, as it enhances the development of most of the conceptual images of the limit. The use of a greater number of limit representation systems in an applet is also positive, since it favors the development of various actions in said representation systems.
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