Grade retention in Secondary Education and its relationship with motivational variables

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Daniel Rodríguez-Rodríguez
Francisco Javier Batista-Espinosa


INTRODUCTION. Grade retention is an educational action that, despite its controversial effects according to the scientific literature, is still applied in Spain in a much higher percentage than in other neighboring countries. Therefore, it is necessary to determine if this strategy is beneficial for students, and what relationship it has with other variables as important for learning as academic self-concept and goal orientations. Thus, the main goal of this study was to analyze the relationship between academic performance, academic self-concept and goal orientations with course retention in Secondary Education. METHOD. 1163 students (596 boys and 567 girls) of Secondary Education from the Canary Islands participated in the research, with ages between 12 and 18 (M = 14.31; DT = 1.36). From the total sample, 384 students (245 boys and 139 girls) repeat a grade. The instruments used are the Multidimensional Scale of Self-Concept AF5, the Goal Orientation Scale and the final evaluation scores of all subjects. RESULTS. The results indicate that repeating students have worse scores in academic performance, academic self-concept, approach to learning orientation and approach to achievement than non-repeating students. In addition, in both groups, academic self-concept is the factor that explains greater variability in performance, but there are differences between students in the influence of goal orientations on academic performance. DISCUSSION. These findings show the negative consequences of using grade retention in a generalized way, not only for student performance, but also for other important factors in educational development such as academic self-concept and goal orientations.


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Rodríguez-Rodríguez, D., & Batista-Espinosa, F. J. (2022). Grade retention in Secondary Education and its relationship with motivational variables. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 74(2), 77–91.



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