Occupational protection against new social risks: work-life balance and employer-provided training


  • Sigita Doblytė Grupo de investigación PROMEBI, Departamento de Sociología, Universidad de Oviedo, España/Spain http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6338-9664
  • Rodolfo Gutiérrez Grupo de investigación PROMEBI, Departamento de Sociología, Universidad de Oviedo, España/Spain http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8231-3144
  • Gabriel Pruneda Grupo de investigación PROMEBI, Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Oviedo, España/Spain http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1712-3501




welfare regimes, occupational welfare, new social risks, Spain


A growing part of the development of Occupational Welfare (OW) revolves around the protection against new social risks in the fields of work-life reconciliation and continuous training. In this manner, organisations supplement public protection in said areas, either via voluntary benefits that are supplied by the firm so as to improve employment conditions or via commitments derived from collective bargaining. These programs are of particular importance for the active protection of employability in a post-industrial context. The main objective of this article is to examine the recent development of OW in Spain. First, we situate Spain within the European context. Then, we describe profiles of the beneficiaries of the programs of work-life balance and training as well as analyse what characteristics of companies and jobs condition access to these programs. From a comparative perspective, the results confirm the limited nature of OW in Spain. Yet they also indicate recent trajectories of expansion of the programs of reconciliation and training, which is very interesting to occur during the economic crisis with strong pressures to adjust labour costs for companies.


Author Biographies

Sigita Doblytė , Grupo de investigación PROMEBI, Departamento de Sociología, Universidad de Oviedo, España/Spain

Sigita Doblytė is a PhD candidate within the programme Severo Ochoa of the Principality of Asturias and a member of the PROMEBI Research Group at the Department of Sociology, University of Oviedo. Her research interests cover such areas are mental health inequalities, health policies, health behaviour or work-life balance. She has published in academic journals such as Qualitative Health Research, Social Theory & Health or Social Policy & Society.

Rodolfo Gutiérrez , Grupo de investigación PROMEBI, Departamento de Sociología, Universidad de Oviedo, España/Spain

Rodolfo Gutiérrez is Professor of Sociology at the University of Oviedo. His main research fields are economic sociology, socioeconomic inequality and comparative social policy. From 2002 to 2007 he was Director of Research Unit at the Economic and Social Council of Spain.  He has participated in the research network “Reconciling Work and Welfare” (RECWOWE) as coordinator of a European research team that has published the book: N. Fraser, R Peña-Casas and R Gutierrez, Working Poor in Europe: A Comparative Approach.

Gabriel Pruneda , Grupo de investigación PROMEBI, Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Oviedo, España/Spain

Gabriel Pruneda is Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Oviedo, and a member of the PROMEBI Research Group. Previously, he was Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Sociology of the University of Oviedo. His main research interests deal with human resource management practices, quality of employment, and the well-being of workers. He was a Guest Visiting Predoctoral Researcher at NBS (University of East Anglia) and has published in academic journals such as Papers. Revista de Sociología, Política y Sociedad, Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship and Applied Research in Quality of Life.


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How to Cite

Doblytė, S., Gutiérrez, R., & Pruneda, G. (2020). Occupational protection against new social risks: work-life balance and employer-provided training. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 29(2). https://doi.org/10.22325/fes/res.2020.18



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