Paoli; enseñanza del latín; método directo; diálogo; fábula; cuentos.
Paoli; Latin teaching; direct method; dialogue; fable; tales.Abstract
The pedagogical work of U.E. Paoli can be considered as outstanding in regard to teaching Latin in the 20th century. The way in which he focuses on the fundamental challenges that classical language teaching faces in contemporary times is linked to the coherence of this part of his work with the postulates of his research and a deep creativity, which is no obstacle to a clear parallelism between its strategies and the main trends in modern pedagogy. Through the use of dialogues and narratives, Paoli’s texts mirror the dynamics of classes. The use in both of tales and fables renders it easier to approach the ancient language and culture without losing rigour or cancelling at any time the cultural distance that separates us from the past.
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