The way towards the textual model of the Libro de las cuatro virtudes by Alfonso de Cartagena: the late manuscripts of the Formula uitae honestae
Textual tradition; manuscript transmission; Libro de las cuatro virtudes, Formula uitae honestae; Alfonso de Cartagena; Martinus Bracarensis.Abstract
The Formula uitae honestae by Martín de Braga had a very extensive manuscript tradition throughout the whole European territory and has several translations into vernacular languages. One such a translation is the Spanish one made by Alfonso de Cartagena in the fifteenth century, which derives from the version of the work that bore the title De quattuor uirtutibus and was wrongly assigned to Seneca, which was transmitted
extensively from the twelfth century onwards, and especially during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. This paper presents a textual analysis of the fourteenth-century manuscripts preserved in Spanish and French libraries and a study of the miscellanies they contain and their format, which seek to account for the importance of these testimonies for the reception of the Latin work and therefore for the model that Alfonso de Cartagena could use for his translation, which is entitled Libro de las cuatro virtudes and included among the texts known as the Tratados de Séneca.
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