The Brocense and Juan de Mal Lara: an unexplored friendship


  • Luis Merino Jerez Universidad de Extremadura



Mal Lara, Philosophía vulgar; El Brocense, Emblemata Alciati.


Mal Lara recognizes the contribution of some friends in the gloss of some proverbs in his Philosophía vulgar. Even though he does not quote El Brocense explicitly, the intellectual similarities, as well as the possible composition date of both works —by far before their publication— and, above all, the thematic and formal coincidences shared by the gloss of Mal Lara and the proverb «Son you are and father you’ll become», and the comments by El Brocense regarding the emblems 30, 157 and 194 of Alciato, allow us to suggest the possible hypothesis that, in fact, between these two Humanists there was an obvious collaboration whose amplitude and depth still need a closer examination.


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Adagia (...) Paulli Manutii studio atque industria, Florentiae, apud Iuntas, 1575.

Hieroglyphica. Ori Apollinis Niliaci Hierogliphica [...] Orus Apollo de notis Hieroglyphicis per Bernardinum Trebatium Vincentinum latinitate donatus, excussit Petrus Vidouaeus [...], impensis [...] Conradi Resch. Bibliopolae Parisiensis, 1521.

De natura animalium. Aristotelis de natura animalium [...] interprete Theodoro Gaza, Venetiis, 1498, per Bartholameum de Zanis. Emblemata Alciati. Francisco Sánchez. Opera omnia. Tomus tertius, Hildesheim, 1985, ed. G. Mayans.

Historiae animalium. Conradi Gesneri Historiae Animalium liber III, qui est de auim natura, Tiguri, 1555, apud Cristoph. Proschouerum. Officinae Ioannis Rauisii Textoris epitome, Lugduni 1551, apud Sebastianum Gryphium.

Philosophía vulgar. Juan de Mal Lara. Obras completas, I. Philosophía vulgar, (ed. M. Bernal Rodríguez), Madrid, 1996.

Politiani Sylvae (...) poema (...) illustratum per Franciscum Sanctium Brocensem, Salmanticae 1554, excudebat Andreas a Portonariis.

Sánchez de las Brozas. Poesía: F. Sánchez de las Brozas. Obras. II. Poesía, Cáceres, 1985, edición y traducción de Avelina Carrera de la Red.



How to Cite

Merino Jerez, L. (2002) “The Brocense and Juan de Mal Lara: an unexplored friendship”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 2, pp. 149–168. doi: 10.23808/rel.v2i0.87968.


