Two notes on Quintilian: genera causarum vs. genera rhetorices (Inst. 3, 3-4) and stylistic decorum vs. moral decorum (Inst. 11, 1)


  • Jorge Fernández López Universidad de La Rioja



Quintilian; genera causarum; rhetorical genres; decorum; appropriateness.


1. It is almost a commonplace that the three traditional genres of rhetoric established already by Aristotle (forensic, deliberative and epideictic) are often found mixed with each other; such a conception, however, springs from a confusion between genera rhetoricae and genera causarumgenera causarum, as distinguished by Quintilian (Inst. 3, 4), are always and necessarily found in their ‘pure’ form.

2. Quintilian devotes a long chapter to the issue of decorum (Inst. 11, 1) within his treatment of elocutio; nevertheless, he skillfully and purposely extends the range of decorum from the field of style to that of morals. This part of the Institutio is thus a key point in the work, where the subordination of rhetoric to morals is fully accomplished according to the general principles which rule Quintilian’s book.


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How to Cite

Fernández López, J. (2008) “Two notes on Quintilian: genera causarum vs. genera rhetorices (Inst. 3, 3-4) and stylistic decorum vs. moral decorum (Inst. 11, 1)”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 8, pp. 57–71. doi: 10.23808/rel.v8i0.87859.




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