Ovid reader of Ovid


  • Esteban Bérchez Castaño IES La Morería, Mislata (Valencia)




Ovid; reader; public.


Ovid is perhaps the Roman poet who most frequently speaks about himself, giving us insight not only into his life but also into his work and different matters related to it. This paper will focus on the latter, ignoring those biographical details unrelated to his literary production. As we shall see, once again Ovid stands out as a poet who breaks with tradition and anticipates literary trends popular among later poets.


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How to Cite

Bérchez Castaño, E. (2009) “Ovid reader of Ovid”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 9, pp. 101–117. doi: 10.23808/rel.v9i0.87851.




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