Imaginary journey and utopia. Dissemination of the Letter of Prester John in the 15th century Spain


  • Tomás González Rolán Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Utopia; Letter of Prester John; Dissemination in the fifteenth-century Spain.


The Letter of Prester John is, in our view, a utopian text in which social justice, concord among between all the peoples and political and religious stability prevail with overall harmony. All of this is possible thanks to the concentration of spiritual as well as and temporal power in just one single person. This paper studies the dissemination of the Letter throughout Spain, both in its Catalan and Occitan versions, for which a common Latin source has been found.


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How to Cite

González Rolán, T. (2014) “Imaginary journey and utopia. Dissemination of the Letter of Prester John in the 15th century Spain”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 14, pp. 97–117. doi: 10.23808/rel.v14i0.87710.


