Rhetorica, ancilla Theologiae: the 1596 edition of Buchardus Harbart's Commentatio to Aftonius' Progymnasmata


  • Gregorio Rodríguez Herrera Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria




Progymnasmata; Aphthonius; Harbart; Rhetorica; Reformation


Buchardus Harbart published a revised and enlarged Commentatio to Aftonius' Progymnasmata in 1596, five years after the first edition of the book. Based on a comparative analysis, this paper shows that Harbart supplements each exercise with new examples for theological purposes, as well as to deal with moral considerations and defend the Reformist orthodoxy. In addition, we will study the content of the prefatory matter, where the author states that Rhetoric and, especially, the Progymnasmata should be viewed as an auxiliary discipline for the theologian.



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How to Cite

Rodríguez Herrera, G. (2015) “Rhetorica, ancilla Theologiae: the 1596 edition of Buchardus Harbart’s Commentatio to Aftonius’ Progymnasmata”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 15, pp. 141–155. doi: 10.23808/rel.v15i0.87699.




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