Petrus Mosellanus’s De primis apud rhetorem exercitationibus praeceptiones: The first progymnasmata manual written in latin by a humanist


  • María Dolores García de Paso Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria



Mosellanus; progymnasmata; Aphthonius; Lorichius.


De primis apud rhetorem exercitationibus praeceptiones Petri Mosellani in priuatum discipulorum suorum usum comparatae it is a manual written in Latin and published in Leipzig in 1523 that was based in Aphthonius’ Progymnasmata. Following his own judgment, the author takes ideas and examples from the Greek rhetorician and combines them with his own, using the old text in order to create something new, as he indicates himself in the introductory letter. This work is an innovative adaptation of the earlier precepts to the needs of the students of his time. Mosellanus is interested in what is directly linked to discourse; thus he removes the exercises and the contents that he believes to be irrelevant or useless to his students. As regards the examples, he keeps several of Aphthonius, adds texts drawn from Latin authors and includes others of his own creation. This small treatise was not limited to the exclusive use of his own students, as Lorich also reused it both for its theoretical contents as well as for its examples.


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__ Petrus Mosellanus <> [17/12/2017].



How to Cite

García de Paso, M. D. (2018) “Petrus Mosellanus’s De primis apud rhetorem exercitationibus praeceptiones: The first progymnasmata manual written in latin by a humanist”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 18, pp. 159–179. doi: 10.23808/rel.v18i0.82809.


