Again on the senectus mundi: Notes on a Literary Topic


  • José Luis Moralejo Álvarez



This paper seeks to present and discuss the Latin sources of a well-known literary topic: the senectus mundi or the “aging of the world”. In fact, many ancient authors believed that the world had gone old, that the fertility of the earth was being exhausted and that it suffered various other ailments comparable to those of human old age. The origin of the topic seems to lie in the metaphor that equated the ages of the world with the human ones, or else in the process of degeneration that had followed the mythical Golden Age. The paper deals with the texts related to this topic, from the Classical and early Christian authors to the Portuguese Jesuit Antonio Vieira (1608-1697).


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How to Cite

Moralejo Álvarez, J. L. (2018) “Again on the senectus mundi: Notes on a Literary Topic”, Revista de Estudios Latinos, 18, pp. 11–27. doi: 10.23808/rel.v18i0.82797.


