No. 101. Multilateralism: narratives and practices of a new institutional order

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Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, nº 101
Quadrimestral (April 2013)
ISSN:1133-6595 | E-ISSN:2013-035X

"Multilateralism: narratives and practices of a new institutional order"

Scientific Coordinator: Oriol Costa Fernández

Multilateralism is in crisis. That is the diagnosis (and it is one that is widely shared, for once) of observers, participants and scholars in the field of international relations. The crisis has many different facets, all interrelated to some extent: the deep-seated transformations that power structures are undergoing; the changes in the relation between the global and the regional; the increasing influence of policy networks on the drafting of domestic public policy, which has served to highlight the problem of the democratic legitimacy of global governance and of its politicisation; as well as the expansion of multilateralism to an increasingly broader array of different themes. This issue, which includes theoretical analyses and case studies, aims to shed a little light on these processes.

Published: 2013-05-10