A factitious volume with early Spanish imprints in the Biblioteca Comunale of Palermo
Spanish printing, Early Printing, Incunabula, Post-incunabula, Latin school education, Biblioteca Comunale of PalermoAbstract
In the Rare Book Division of the Biblioteca Comunale of Palermo there is a very interesting factitious volume that contains a series of works destined for Latin school education. It is a collection of ten early Spanish imprints: an incunabulum from the Pamplona workshop of Arnao Guillén de Brocar and nine post-incunabula that were printed in Brocar’s own workshop in Logroño, in the Burgos press of Fadrique de Basilea and in the Salamanca press of Hans Gysser, with a time span between 1508 and 1512. The interest of the volume lies in the fact that, for the most part, they are editions that have gone unnoticed by scholars and have not been included in the repertoires that deal with the production of Hispanic presses. The article traces the history of this volume, that belonged to the Santa Olivia Convent of Minimi in Palermo and offers the bibliographic description of the works that compose it, after an exhaustive analysis of the types and xylographic elements. This study allows us to deepen and outline in more detail aspects of the Spanish publishing scene from the end of the incunabula period and the first years of the following century.
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